Welcome to the dorris.org astronomy webpage

Andromeda Galaxy from the Hubble telescope

An Amazing Instructable


I ran across an amazing Intractable that I am going to try to build. Have you ever had one of those nights when you wanted to do some astrophotography but, oh, woe, it was just too much trouble to drag all that equipment out? Well, how about a miniature astrophotography observatory you can hold in your hands. User MatHh, on Instrucables, has developed just that. It's driven by a Raspberry Pi and uses a Raspberry Pi Hi Quality camera. Here's the link:


It's not an inexpensive project to undertake. I estimate about $400.00 plus you need a good sized 3D printer. I think my Ender 6 is just big enough to handle all the pieces. This ought to be a fun project. It will probably take quite some time as most of the work will be weekend work but I'm going to start on it in the next couple of weeks. I'll post updates on the progress here.

Happy sky hunting, everyone.

And what will Betelgeuse look like when it does

Happy New Year everyone. 2020 was a particularly tough one for everyone. I hope you all got through it safely.

I found this article from early in the year at Astronomy.com website describing a simulation on what Betelgeuse may look like when it does blow. But, don't get too excited yet. It still has up to 100,000 years of life left. I may try to hang around for it though.

When Betelgeuse Goes Supernova, What Will It Look Like From Earth

Image courtesy of Astronomy.com and European Southern Observatory/L.Calcada

When will Betelgeuse blow?

So, have you been sitting around each night Orion is in your night sky watching to see if Betelgeuse is going to supernova? Yeah, I'd like to see that also. But, it is a complex thing to try and predict. Apparently, how big the red giant is has a lot to do with when the show will begin. As it turns out, we are not even sure how far away it is, making it virtually impossible to accurately tell it's size. Here's a story at Sky and Telescope with some details:


Arecibo in Danger?

In August, the Arecibo radio telescope suffered a failure of an auxiliary support cable on the massive receiver hanging 300 meters over the disk. Not to be outdone, one of the main support cables failed this month, putting the entire dish at risk. You can read about the failure here: https://astronomy.com/news/2020/11/arecibo-radio-telescope-reeling-from-second-cable-failure

Image courtesy of Astronomy Magazine.

2000 Year Old Nova Remnant Discovered

Researchers at the University of Gottingen have discovered the remains of a 2000 year old nova in M22. This matches ancient Chinese records from 48 BC, making this one of the oldest confirmed astronomical observations. You can read about it at Science Daily. Here's an image taken from the Science Daily website:

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